A Prayer to Take to Heart

With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, may our love be founded and grounded in the goodness and grace of God. From this place, and this place alone, we have much to give and offer. A. W. Tozer captures God’s love in this short prayer that is best read slowly, and with great care.


I am sure that there is in me nothing that could attract the love of One as holy and as just as You are. Yet You have declared Your unchanging love for me in Christ Jesus. If nothing in me can win Your love, nothing in the universe can prevent You from loving me. Your love is uncaused and undeserved. You are Yourself the reason for the love wherewith I am loved. Help me to believe the intensity, the eternity of this love that has found me. Then love will cast out fear; and my troubled heart will be at peace, trusting not in what I am but in what You have declared Yourself to be.


The Knowledge of the Holy by A. W. Tozer

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6 thoughts on “A Prayer to Take to Heart”

    • Thanks, Hugh.
      I “found it” in a book I received in the 80’s called Disciplines for the Inner Life by Bob and Michael Benson … as a High Schooler. It was a soul shaping book.
      God is good!

  1. Hmm. Before the fall, we were created in God’s image. We are image beaters by His design, and reflect His glory when we live up into the potential He created us with.
    The first part of this prayer feels like it’s denying the original blessing and focusing only on the original sin.

    • Yes! Life before the fall.
      Sometimes we forget, don’t we.
      Made in the image of God, we are handcrafted with beauty and strengths – imparted by God’s perfect design!
      We have much to offer this world.
      Redeemed and basking in the Father’s love – we advance!

  2. Beautiful. Last night was really bad. Sleep would not come. Anxiety high. Yet, as I was given peace and nearing sleep, the Lord came in a beautiful way. It’s not always like this, but He knows me so well and what I need. I have been asking the question “Lord, is my love for You good enough?” This is what I saw in my spirit as I fell asleep.

    Last night I had an encounter with Jesus. Seemed like everything around me just vanished, and I was just so in love with Jesus, which I am, there was nothing and nowhere else except in Him. I have never felt such love. I could imagine…and it felt real…attendants dressing me in the finest and most beautiful garments in preparation of my wedding. I could even see myself…..and trust me….I looked a lot better then I do now. It was so real. It was as I was finally falling asleep. So beautiful. No other love. No eyes for anyone else. Nothing on my heart or mind except Jesus. What is God doing to us, with us? It’s so wonderful.

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