Desert Streams

We never know where God has hidden his streams.

Unlikely places abound.

Attentiveness is required.

Will I come with a cup in hand?

Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her to the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor (which means trouble) a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt. Hosea 2:14-15

I’m working on my itinerary and packing list for my Radical Sabbatical.  Are you able to give it any thought?  One thing is clear to me.  Forget the tea cup, I’m bringing a bucket.

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Run hard. Rest well. launched in March 2013. If this topic grabs your heart, we’d like to encourage you to subscribe to this weekly blog. The information to do so is located on the right hand side of this page. Along the way, we’ve encouraged folks to read the first 12-weeks of posts found in the archives. (But no rush. Go slow.) Start with Week 1 (from March). Each post is numbered and lays an important foundational insight into the life-giving rhythm Run hard. Rest well.

  • The site is under construction for a few weeks to compile the e-book, re-vamp the site and prepare to launch out into a broader spectrum of people. During this time I am going to send out shorter posts and some links to articles I’ve written. Hope they are a blessing.

run hard. rest well.


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8 thoughts on “Desert Streams”

  1. I love the post today. This was one of my scriptures the other day also. I HATE forced rest. I want to be the decider of when and where and how. But my decider is broken so God has taken the decision making out of my hands and He has brought me into the desert. Jesus went into the desert. John the Baptist was in the desert. Paul went into the desert. Elijah went into the desert. The Children of Israel went into the desert. It truly is in the desert where we meet God. Why do I fight it so much? Why am I so stiff necked and rebellious? Father, forgive me. Help me. You alone have the Living Water I crave.

      • No. No buckets. I’ve filled enough of them with my tears. I think I’ll just sit, like Hagar and wait for Jehoveh Jireh. No words. No understanding. No expectations. I wait and He will come. He will bring the buckets or the peace or the rest or whatever He knows I have need of. He is Jehovah Jireh. He always has and always will provide.

          • I emailed something I wrote to you. Did you get it? It didn’t go through the blog so could have gone to spam. Yes, I write a lot.

          • Betty,
            I am swamped with my email right now. It doesn’t ring a bell, but that does not mean much. Do you have avenues to share your writing? That needs to be explored. You have much to share. Much to share.
            Eyes on Him,

          • I don’t understand “avenues to share”. I respond to blogs and share some of the things I write with my counselor and pastor. Is that what you mean?

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