
The rich young ruler we’ve come to know from Mark 10 was exposed to a “new” truth. Mark 10:17-31.

frozen_fenceInitially, the “new” truth was too hard for this young man. He turned away and went home sad. (We don’t know if he stayed in that place, but this was his initial reaction.) There are two things we learn about God’s workmanship as we come face-to-face with “new” truths:

  1. “Jesus looked at him and loved him.” Love was Jesus’ aim. (vs. 21)
  2. The man was honest with himself and with Jesus. No masks. No going through the motions with a heart that was not in line.. (vs. 22)

When I am faced with a “new” truth in Scripture, will I see the love that surrounds it? Am I willing to do an honest assessment of my heart? My beliefs? My actions?

Since we live in a Covenant-based relationship with God, we can be assured of God’s presence every step of the way. Since God wants his best for us …

  • We can be assured God will challenge our preconceived ideas of his truth. (vs. 23-25)
  • We need to be aware of the fact that what lies before us is indeed impossible by all earthly assessment. (vs. 26)
  • We can be assured that God specializes in impossibilities. (vs. 27)
  • We need to be aware of the great reward (hundred-fold) and the great cost (persecutions) a “new” truth fully embraced will bring to us. (vs. 29-30)

As the new year unfolds and we come face-to-face with “new” truths about rest, how will we be shaped by them?

Will we see the light and alter our ways?

Or will we wait to feel the heat? The burn and sizzle of overload and exhaustion?

New Year. “New” truths.

Same, great God, bent on love and Life.

Do you have any nitty-gritty questions on how to make the rhythms of rest a reality in 2014? As a college student? While fighting depression? On the road? Single parenting? Caring for an aging relative? On the fast-track to success?

First time here?

6 thoughts on “Face-To-Face”

  1. I live with my daughter and son-in-law…. and grand children. Mostly I stay in my room when they are home. My son-in-law has anger management issue (my call not his) and there is often rage going on all around me. God seems to have called me to participate in a group…10/11 weeks on Sunday. Because of health issues 2 hours of church is sometimes hard and add 3 hours to that for this group in the evening. There will be a Friday night/Saturday retreat. I’m old and tired and finding rest can be hard. I have the day when the kids are in school, but I try to do what I can around the house to prevent greater anger at night. What “rest” I get…time with God can be blown in the slam of a door. Any thoughts?

  2. Betty,
    God has given you a wonderful opportunity to spend time with your grandchildren. You do not say how old they are but hear are some ideas: (sometimes it is better to do one child at a time) invited them into your room, find out what they enjoy, read to them (Bible stories would be great), tell them stories of what it was like when you were a child, make a book, teach them to something you enjoy – sewing, painting, etc., have them teach you something for example computer or ipod.
    Use your imagination, have your grandchildren use their imagination and have a blessed time together.

  3. Making rest part of the college rhythm is hard. Either you go until you have to rest, and force yourself to get back up the next day. Other times, it’s the exact opposite, and you spend entire days doing nothing of importance because you think that you’re resting for the “Stress” of college. The times when I find myself rested are the times I leave from church, or bible study, or after a personal devotion time. A time when I became at peace with God for minutes upon minutes, and suddenly, the stress, the horrible schedules, and the never ending amounts of homework or general working that needs to be done. All of it just melts away. Like it never mattered in the first place. It can be done. But it takes a certain amount of dedication on the part of the student to seek that relationship with God and work to preserve it. It’s a relationship like every other, except that God is not physically in front of you to hold your attention. But finding him and listening to him and talking to him are just as easy as if you were talking to a physical being. Treat it as such, not as a burden. Because then you can truly praise, worship, ask questions of Him, and obey His commands. He doesn’t leave you and He will never forsake you. Be strong and courageous, He says. (Deut. 31:6). And so I walk on, knowing He is always nearby, and always willing to talk.

    • Stephanie –
      I am so sorry this took so long. Josh was in the hospital/hospice house and things got buried. Thank you so much for sharing. The weight of expectations during college can be crushing. So many demands. There is peace that can be found in the midst of it all. It’s found at His feet. There we do rest. There we are changed. Perspective changes. Hope renewed. In these snowy, wintery days, may there be sweet moments of renewal for the tasks at hand. Onward! Love and prayers.

  4. Oh Betty my arms are wrapped around you, I understand, I know where you are coming from. I live with my kids father, he too as “anger management issues” my call not his. We lived with his parents before they passed away. Seemed like there was an extra body in the house (mine) that didn’t have a true place to call home until I realized home was with Him no matter where I am. My other half has gambling issues. I am coming to a fork in the road soon and I used to worry about the possibilities of having to go on alone with my two kiddos. But I realized my Father and true Husband will never leave me. He has been building me a great family in the church I am in.

    The call to go to church and “do” has energized me. I take solace knowing I do not know the path, but he does. Communicating, gaining rest is hard with slamming doors, the constant bickering, the unending noise of modern technology. In these moments when I can’t have intimate easy flowing God time, I just ask God to let His will be done. Dear Lord get me through these unnerving moments and let me rest in your Glorious lap. Our Father knows how to bring calm before the storm. In the calm I energize with his Word. 5 minutes of calm has gotten me through hours of unrest. And the rest feels so much better after the storm. My prayers are with you. God has a purpose to all of his plans.

    I praise the Lord. The real life stories of those who have had to face struggles: Adam-Eve, Abraham-Sara, Joseph, Noah (and more), through our Savior, Jesus and on to less known people such as my grandmothers and my own mother have stayed in the hearts of many for eon’s, millennial, years, weeks and days. These are the people that God has touched to be in our hearts, our guides to become closer to him. Blessed are your struggles. I pray God sends you peace and rest.

    • I have been married and divorced twice. I did not choose well. I took the abuse as God grew me to the place where I knew that I could take my kids and myself and be safe. I lived on less than little…. because I have a God Who is bigger than big. Erin, I’m sorry you are going through this. God will lead you to the right place at the right time. It’s not going to be easy. You will be under attack. But the Peace of God which passes understanding WILL keep you. Hold tight to Him. Don’t let anyone try to take His place. Don’t yield to the lies of the enemy. Stand strong. I will hold you up to my Abba. In Him is all wisdom.


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