From Limits to Launch


I hated limits when I was three and had to take a nap. I hated limits when I was ten and couldn’t ride my bike anywhere I wanted. I hated limits when I was a teen and a curfew limited my fun. I hate limits today. I want to do what I want to do when I want to do it. I hate when limits smack me upside the head altering my day, my dreams, my to do list. Our limits are never an excuse for laziness or half-heartedness, but they do play a role in the marathon race we run: the pace and the pit-stops.

Jesus’ life was defined by limits. (Sin—no. Limits—yes.) When he walked this earth he did so in a human body defined by limits. He knew deep fatigue (Matthew 8:24). He was familiar with aching muscles (John 4:6). He knew the sting of heartache (Matthew 14:13). He did not heal everyone on earth who was sick. He healed those the Father placed in his path. He did not preach to every lost soul. His ministry was ordained by the Father, yet defined by the very real limits of the human body.

Who are we to think we can do otherwise?

We cannot all do great things but we can do small things with great love

But I can do some things.

These things I do, I want to be ordained and orchestrated by God, even if his plans for my day do not match the items on my to do list. It’s been a slow go, but over time I have come to see that my limits and limitations are a constant reminder that God is God and I am not. This is possibly life-lesson #1 for me. I have found it well worth the energy this surrender demands.

Proverbs 16:9 sums it up well: In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

Personal Note

I want to do a lot of things right now, but I am limited in many ways. Joshua’s vibrant living in the midst of his dying, the intense needs of our other children and the launch of many exciting things for Run Hard. Rest Well. are making for a “full plate”season. I live what I teach. Because of this, I am intimately and painfully aware of my limits, but rejoice in the fact that my limits are not God’s. He is using others in dynamic ways to launch this ministry to heights I could never take it. My limits showcase God’s call and gifting in others. The Kingdom grows.

Celebrate with us, these new things!

  • The Dream Team. They have been running hard! How do I say thanks? I’d like to introduce them to you some time soon.
  • The logo, the branding of Run Hard. Rest Well. Through it more doors will open.
  • The new website layout. It is still a work in progress, but people can now access the site through Facebook, Twitter and RSS feed. Free resources will arrive soon.
  • God said “yes” to the fall line-up of speaking. Josh was stable. I was able to slip away for a few 24-hour time slots – one of my recent talks has been posted for viewing on-demand. It was refreshing, empowering. The response to the message always affirms and energizes me. I have my marching orders for the next 50 years.
  • A team has assembled to make Run Hard. Rest Well. a non-profit corporation. It is a dream I have barely been able to imagine.
  • A website for Red Diamond Days is up and coming. The response to Josh’s dream has been remarkable. The stories are gripping from individuals and entire church groups. Humbling. Powerful. May God give His message through this little gem wings into each and every heart.

Limits. What limits do you face? How does bitter/better play out in your life? What are you learning along the way?

First time here?

5 thoughts on “From Limits to Launch”

  1. I rarely respond or comment to anyone any more. The weeks have been painful. Flashbacks that break my heart and attack my mind open doors for God to speak healing. Did you know that I’m not mean or viscous or destructive? I didn’t. Those were things I was taugh about who and what I was. But that’s not who I am. Did you know my little babyself doesn’t have an identity with me. She is no more than a nameless doll. A work for God in progress. I’ve been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Another crippler in my life. On Tuesday I see the oncologist. I have fought with everybody and their sister trying to get things done. I’m tired. I’m hiding. I giving myself time for God to heal. Angry. You bet. Bitter. No. But the pain is intense and the answers are few. Wait is not an answer I like, but the only one I hear. Better. Yes. I’m leaning closer to the great God Jehovah. My Abba. He’s teaching me to not look at myself in the mirror, but to see my reflection through his love. Rest.

  2. Forgive me for my foolish fussing. Wish I could press delete. I am so thrilled that you have been able to speak again. Your message is so needed in these times of manic activity. I’m thrilled Josh’s message is taking off and stories of lives changed are coming in. So often I hear and marvel of the men and women who from the depth of their “defeat” have brought powerful transformation into the lives of many. Wasn’t it John Donne who thought he had the plague and his life was changed in the midst by God. What a difference he made throughout history. Josh is that man. In resting God is speaking to you and through you. Your family is growing and their hearts are seeing God in all His power. God is a good God, but bad does come in this life. It’s not from God but is allowed. How powerful a lesson to be learned. God’s best and my prayers for all y’all.

    • Betty,
      Thanks for sharing our joy — over the open doors to speaking through this season and the work of God through Josh and his message.
      He holds us tight!

  3. Brenda Oct. 21, 20013

    LIMITS TO LAUNCH resonated well in my heart and soul also. To continue the dialogue… the limitations along the bumpy road of life are a precursor to the limitations that gather to upset our equilibrium as old age creeps in upon us. (This comes from your 81 year old father-in-law.) These limitations are rooted in the very first limitation the Creator set for Adam and Eve when God gave them the run of the place in paradise with but a single limitation. Now, all of mankind wants to do his own thing when he wants to do it with no regard for the Manufacturer’s instructions. That is what He calls SIN. So far I have not been able to master this prohibition. In the end, it’s an continuing ogre as a reminder that we are creatures of a grand Creator- God who is thankfully also our Savior and Redeemer in Christ Jesus.


    • Pop!
      Amen. Amen! Your words bless me because of their Source.
      You are a fountain, with Living Water splashing deep within.
      I love you!
      82 is around the corner, Pop. May I be where you are now — running the race with grace, wisdom and strength, smelling the roses every chance I get, then some.


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