Personalized Retreat – Make It Happen

In this issue:

  • Do you have questions? Breakthroughs!
  • An encouraging word

Do you have a question, an “ah ha,” a tip, tool, or breakthrough? We are in this together and would love to hear from you so we can share (anonymously or named) what’s working for you and/or what questions are surfacing for you on this journey toward vibrancy and sustainability. Email Brenda any time: Don’t be shy. Your thoughts, encouragement, questions might be just what someone else needs!

An Encouraging Word
Below is an 830-word article that will help ignite your commitment to taking a personal (or personalized) retreat this summer and help make it happen! Do you have children at home? Tag-team. Make a plan!


Catch Your Breath This Summer

By Brenda Jank


To win the war on weariness, there must be a strategic rhythm of “forward march” and “retreat.”

Going away on personal retreat or a personalized retreat is not a nicety, it is a necessity for any person fighting on the front line. ‘Winded and weary’ has a remedy. It is not easy, but it is simple.


Taking time to rest is not just a break from what we do, it is a portal into who we are. Without retreat, we can forget who we are and lose sight of our deepest passions and highest priorities.

Personalized Retreats must become a rhythm we embrace, but let’s admit, it is foreign territory. We have no models, mentors or methods. Mystery reigns. “What in the world would I do all day?” Let’s begin with the basics.

Start. Pick a day in the next 4 to 6 weeks. Go solo or invite a friend. (It will be harder to pull out of your getaway at the last minute if you invite a friend.) Half day. Full day. Overnighter. There is no right or wrong. Do what works in this season of life. Next, think place. Stay local and visit a park, a library, and a favorite restaurant. Or make it a short road trip. Visit a state park. Lake Michigan. A town you’ve wanted to explore. Circle the day in red.

Mental Preparation. A personalized retreat require a little mental preparation. Chose to turn away from the burdens you bear, and turn toward the beauty of breathing room. How? Here are a few suggestions for your to enjoy alone or with a friend: Rest well and surrender to the reality of freedom and the power of unplanned moments. Laugh out-loud. Meander. Feast. Wonder. Play. Hike. Read what inspires you. Fish. Write. Discover. Breathe in. Breathe out. And do it again.

Rest well. Embrace the peace and quiet of time off the beaten path. This is easier said than done. We are used to going a million miles an hour. Learning how to rest might possibly be the hardest work of our lives. Do not give up. Do not give in. Nap. Journal. Sing. Linger. Lounge. Get outside. Watch a squirrel. Look for patterns in the clouds. Listen to the wind. Jean Pierre de Caussade (mid 1700’s) called it the Sacrament of the Present Moment. I call it a taste of the abundant fife.

Surrender. We are familiar with surrender. Many of us surrender our time, talents, and treasures to a cause bigger than ourselves. We know how to run hard. Do we know how to refuel? Wave the white flag. Come out with your hands lifted high – ready to embrace the gifts of a day to step away.

Embark. When the day arrives pack your favorite things: snacks, pillow, inspirational book, journal, music, and a book. Travel light. Dress so you can be outside. (bug spray, sun block, hat, gloves?)

To win the war on weariness, there must be a strategic rhythm of “forward march” and “retreat.”
Are you ready?!

First time here?

4 thoughts on “Personalized Retreat – Make It Happen”

  1. Thanks for this, Brenda, timely as always. We must also be very aware of our health. When I left the retreat in April I was encouraged and motivated yet so fatigued – found out my sodium was very low and it took time to build it up. Daily stress and habits are hard to change but worth it. Amen.

    • Janet!

      So glad God timed this well. He’s so good at this.
      Sodium. I was once dangerously low in sodium, too.
      What a difference it made what I learned that.
      Mine came from drinking way too much water.
      This massively impacted my sleep.
      I wrote about it in a LONG blog post on sleep. If you use the web site’s search engine … I think it’s the second (or older) blog post.

      Onward. Onward!!

  2. Thank you for your support and the resources you give us that we are able to share! I definitely had some bad habits, of not resting well, but slowly the habits are changing. WHAT A GREAT FEELING!! Thank you for all you do!!

    • Richelle,

      Thank you so much for your encouraging words!
      The report of your new journey is making my day!
      Step by step. Eyes on the prize.



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